Insights About The Art Pool

About Our Founder

'Do what you love and love what you do'. Our Founder Mr. Nikhil Lokhande lives by this mantra. His expertise lies in digital marketing and he also has a good experience of dealing with e-commerce websites. With a penchant for good works of art, he wished that there should be some way by which just like other commodities, art too would be available for online purchases, and hence was born "The Art Pool".
The journey began from scratch by interacting and collaborating with various artists and creating a virtual platform to showcase it. This helped in giving the rural artisans a chance to show the world what they are skilled at, which would have otherwise remained hidden. He believes in the saying 'If you wish to walk fast, walk alone. But if you wish to walk far, go together'. With a brilliant team by his side, he wishes to scale great heights with this venture and bring fore the untapped talent of our country.

Nikkhil Lokhande

Problems in buying art online?
How we plan to overcome the problems faced by Art Buyers?
Benefits of Joining TAP for Artists
Our Motto
Our Vision
  • To connect skilled artists and buyers through a virtual medium.
  • To help the artisans who are unable to get exposure inspite of being talented.
  • To give the customers the gratification of owning a 'Made in India' product through a safe payment portal, and seeing it expand further as a digital art gallery.
Mission and Values

The Art Pool (TAP) aims at connecting rural, urban, young, and old artists to the rightful buyers and art lovers through an online portal, thus helping the artists get their due recognition and financial help. The customers, in turn, would get to keep a piece of art that is unique, customised and handmade. We firmly believe in being "Vocal for Local" and spreading this art culture in a way that helps novice artists turn into entrepreneurs, a journey fuelled by passion and hardwork.

We believe in delivering high quality products in the said time frame and encouraging all our artists to showcase the best of their works that shall help them write their own success story.

The Artpool Logo
We at The Art Pool believe that a brand logo can speak a thousand words and hence we have designed one that aligns with our vision. The vibrant colours exude a sense of enthusiasm which represents the immense untapped potential of the young budding artists on this platform, representing the arts and skills from various corners of India. The brush is a reminder that just like the pen the paintbrush too is mightier than the sword. The strokes of brush explore new vistas in the field of arts and are capable of creating magic.These strokes are like the rays of the Rising Sun that spreads light and happiness all over. The yellow pool depicted in the alphabet 'P' is the pool of art formed by our phenomenally talented artists who are here to showcase their artworks and to get recognised for the same. Our logo encapsulates our ideology and our endeavour to TAP the untapped perfectly.
Just like our beautiful Handmade products have you checked out our mascot? Our tech savvy guy in the red Tshirt will always be with you and enhance your shopping experience. With the colour palette in one hand and the iPad in the other he shows the perfect blend of art and technology that forms the crux of our venture. He will share blogs,art tips,fun facts with you enriching your shopping experience at The TAP. So hop onboard and explore our collection of artistic Handmades nad so much more!